Home Action Oliver Pocher fires another shot at Stefan Raab: “He doesn’t even want to say hi to you.”

Oliver Pocher fires another shot at Stefan Raab: “He doesn’t even want to say hi to you.”

by Han

Stefan Raab is currently the talk of the town thanks to his comeback on free TV and the ESC preliminary decision. But the attention also brings negative reactions – as with Oliver Pocher, who doesn’t have a good word to say about Raab.

Oliver Pocher and Stefan Raab have been at loggerheads for quite some time. Since Raab disinvited the comedian from his boxing match against Regina Halmich, Pocher has repeatedly criticized Raab. This time, he is once again telling a negative anecdote about the entertainer.

Pocher on Raab: “It’s against his old station ProSieben”

After Pocher challenged Raab to a boxing match of his own last year, the comedian is now going after Stefan Raab again. He tells Bild that he is no longer a fan of Raab and his shows:

I’m disappointed in the shows he’s doing. They’re almost the same as before. […] Now it’s back to poker night and the ESC. I have the impression that Stefan didn’t do it out of passion, but out of pure destructiveness. It’s against his old station ProSieben, against his old production company, it’s against his old show ‘TV total’. He seems obsessed with harming them.

Pocher also doesn’t have a good word to say about Raab’s ESC ambitions. He believes that Stefan Raab will not have a great chance in Basel with his ESC plans:

With a casting process! The ESC has changed a lot, it needs a lot more. I doubt that will work.

Pocher sees little success for Raab’s long-term plans with RTL. He is sure that RTL will part with Raab in the future due to declining profitability.

Raab prefers to take the stairs – and leaves Pocher alone in the elevator

Pocher tells an anecdote with Raab in an interview. He met the TV titan only recently. He says:

A week ago we were standing together at the elevator to the box at 1. FC Köln […] Stefan preferred not to stand with me in a room for twelve seconds. He took the stairs.

So the comedian took the elevator alone. Stefan Raab doesn’t seem to come off very well in this encounter with Pocher. He elaborates:

Behind the camera, Stefan is the most intimidated person there is. He just ignores you, looks right through you. He doesn’t even want to say hi.

Whether Raab will respond to Pocher’s provocations remains to be seen, but it is rather unlikely.

Where Stefan Raab can currently be seen on TV

Stefan Raab has his hands full at the moment. Not only does he have to present Du gewinnst hier nicht die Million every Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. on RTL, he is also in the middle of the German preliminary round for the ESC. The semi-final will be broadcast on Saturday, February 22 at 8:15 p.m. on RTL.

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