Home Disney Stefan Raab and Bully prevailed against Beat the Star – but also suffered a defeat in the TV duel

Stefan Raab and Bully prevailed against Beat the Star – but also suffered a defeat in the TV duel

by Mike

An exciting ratings duel was expected on Saturday for RTL and ProSieben. While ProSieben took off with Beat the Star, RTL tried to prevail with Stefan and Bully against some other show.

On Saturday, March 15, RTL and ProSieben really clashed. With Stefan and Bully against some Schnulli and Beat the Star, not only were two shows with the same target group running in primetime on Saturday, but also two shows with a suspiciously similar concept. We clarify which of the two programs won the ratings battle.

Gleiche Zielgruppe führt zum häufigen Zappen

Da Stefan und Bully gegen irgendson Schnulli und Schlag den Star eine ähnliche Zielgruppe bedienten, kam es laut DWDL zu einem interessanten Zuschauerverhalten: Wenn in einer der beiden Shows Werbung lief, schalteten die Zuschauer:innen zum direkten Konkurrenten auf dem anderen Sender um.

But according to All Eyes on Screen data, viewers did not necessarily remain loyal to one show if they changed channels. This means that viewers did not return to their original program during an advertising break, but remained with the competition – until the next advertising break.

Raab and Bully prevail – but also suffer a decent defeat

However, the big winners of the evening were Raab and Bully with their RTL show. With 1.38 million viewers, they came out on top against their ProSieben competitors, who reached almost 600,000 fewer people. Raab and Bully were also well ahead in the target group, with a market share of 13.5 percent. Beat the Star just managed to reach double digits, with a market share of 10.6 percent.

But none of the broadcasters could be truly satisfied. Stefan and Bully lost half a million viewers compared to their debut show in December last year to someone called Schnulli. Beat the Star also had a record low rating with 740,000 viewers.

This is how the candidates of the two shows performed

In the show itself, Raab and Bully were once again unable to win and “Schnulli” Konstantin secured the 250,000 euros. In Schlag den Star, Max and Dilara Kruse prevailed against Knossi and Lia Mitrou.

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