Home Disney Joko and Klaas’ ‘Ein sehr gutes Quiz’ is a hit: But part of the show has fans criticizing

Joko and Klaas’ ‘Ein sehr gutes Quiz’ is a hit: But part of the show has fans criticizing

by Tommy

On Saturday, ‘Ein sehr gutes Quiz’ aired on ProSieben. Joko and Klaas adapted a show from their 24-hour program from last year – and fans loved it.

On Saturday, March 22, a long-awaited show concept by Joko and Klaas was implemented: A very good quiz (with a high prize money). The two entertainers came together at a location that was unknown until the start time to get rid of 100,000 euros in a quiz. The response to the show was huge – though not without criticism.

Joko and Klaas met at a truck stop

At the beginning of the show, it was also clear where the first of four quiz games would take place: at a truck stop in Bad Rappenau Nord. There, Joko and Klaas first introduced the location, explained the rules and then it was already started.

The rules of “Ein sehr gutes Quiz” are quite simple on paper: 25 questions have to be answered in the show and whoever answers the last question correctly (not all in a row) wins the 100,000 euros. In the end, Alina managed to win the money, even though she was only standing in front of the desk for the last question as a contestant.

Fans are excited about the new show – only the rules are criticized

The first episode was very well received by fans. Most liked the atmosphere, the concept and also the spontaneity in the arena. “How will I ever manage without this show? I love it all way too much,” one user wrote on Instagram. Another added: “What an awesome show. Television history made again.”

Many fans were also happy for the winner Alina, even if there was a little criticism. Alina as the winner was not criticized, but the fact that someone was able to snatch the 100,000 euros from someone at the last minute. This is what one user on Instagram wrote, which is probably what many viewers were thinking:

It’s the game, it’s the rules, but still you feel a bit for the people who have been up there for a long time and risked a lot…

This comment alludes to Moritz, who spent half the show at the candidates’ desk and then gave the wrong answer to the last question, leaving him empty-handed. The fact that Alina only had to answer one question correctly to win €100,000 left a bitter taste in the mouths of many fans.

This is how it continues with a very good quiz

A very good quiz (with a high prize money) is currently running every Saturday at 8:15 p.m. on ProSieben and Joyn. The show is live and takes place at a different location each time.

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