Home Action Today on Amazon: One of the best sci-fi movies of the last 15 years that lead actor Chris Evans himself didn’t get

Today on Amazon: One of the best sci-fi movies of the last 15 years that lead actor Chris Evans himself didn’t get

by Dennis

Avengers star Chris Evans shines in one of the best sci-fi films of the last 15 years. Nevertheless, he never really understood the utopian masterpiece by the Parasite director himself

Six years before Bong Joon-ho dominated the Oscars with Parasite, which was the first non-English language film to win Best Picture, the Korean director and screenwriter created a sci-fi masterpiece. Snowpiercer is based on the French comics Schneekreuzer. In the film, Chris Evans (Marvel’s The Avengers) shines in one of his best roles, although he didn’t understand the movie at first.

This is what the sci-fi masterpiece Snowpiercer

is about

Snowpiercer tells the story of a civil war and class struggle: It takes place on a train. In this bleak vision of the future, an ice age has descended on the world, freezing everyone in seconds. Humanity lives crammed into a train that travels non-stop around the globe and is divided into a strict class system. The poor squat in the dirt at the back, while the rich enjoy their luxury at the front.

(Chris Evans fights his way mercilessly through the train.)

(Chris Evans fights his way mercilessly through the train.)

But underclassman Curtis Everett (Chris Evans) has had enough of injustice and leads a bloody revolution. There is no goal, the main thing is to get ahead. The insurgents take over every other train carriage with fierce battles and crazy comedy. The furious humanity, trapped in a cramped train racing dangerously fast over the icy tracks, creates a unique atmospheric density. It is not for nothing that Snowpiercer is our 5th best sci-fi film since the 2000s. It has lost none of its great cinematic and political power to this day.

Chris Evans didn’t understand the script at first

In October, GQ published a video interview with the Captain America star and also asked him about older films. In it, Chis Evans recalls that he didn’t understand the script for Snowpiercer at first. This was also due to the fact that the film created a completely unique world, which the actor first had to learn to accept without questioning it.

Why he not only accepted the role, but also gave one of the best performances of his career in it, was mainly due to the relationship of trust with Bong Joon-ho:

When you work with someone who knows exactly what they want, even if it’s not exactly how you saw it, it creates trust. And as an actor, the most important thing is to trust the director. Otherwise you’re just playing defense.

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