Home Action It is considered one of the best war films of all time, and far too few people know that it can still be streamed for free for 9 days

It is considered one of the best war films of all time, and far too few people know that it can still be streamed for free for 9 days

by Han

One of the defining war films in the history of moving images will disappear from the 3sat media library in a few days. Now is your last chance to stream the masterpiece there.

When we look at the war film genre, one director in particular stands out: Oliver Stone. The American filmmaker often deals with political issues and conflicts. He has had a lot to say about the Vietnam War in particular, making three films about the devastating conflict.

Released in 1986, Platoon laid the foundation for Stone’s Vietnam trilogy. Born on the Fourth of July followed three years later, before Between Heaven and Hell captured the horrors of the Vietnam War on screen as the final chapter in 1993. The most influential part is unquestionably Platoon, which you can stream in the 3sat media library.

Stream it now for free: With Platoon, Oliver Stone created one of the most influential war films

The story of Platoon is set in 1967 and revolves around young Chris Taylor (Charlie Sheen), who drops out of college and volunteers for military service. At first, he is still highly motivated to go to war for his country. However, little by little he is confronted with the cruel reality of war.

You can watch the trailer for Platoon here:

Not only does Chris experience death and destruction on the battlefield. There are also power struggles within his platoon, which are mainly led by the ruthless Staff Sgt. Robert E. Lee Barnes (Tom Berenger), who has made it his mission to destroy the gentle Sgt. Elias Grodin (Willem Dafoe).

The journey through the hell of war lasts just under two hours, and with each passing minute, we see Chris’s initial idealism being increasingly crushed. By the end, there is hardly anything left of the young man who joined the military full of enthusiasm. There is no heroic story to tell here.

Oliver Stone’s portrayal of this descent is unsparing. The most iconic and tragic moment of the film belongs to Willem Dafoe. Slow motion, pleading music and powerless arms reaching for the sky: you’ll recognize this much-cited image immediately – and never forget it. Platoon is a massive punch to the gut.

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