Home Action “Pirates Of The Caribbean”: Johnny Depp had a crazy wish for his

“Pirates Of The Caribbean”: Johnny Depp had a crazy wish for his

by Han

Exactly how the “Pirates Of The Caribbean” series will continue is not yet entirely clear – but it is definitely certain that it will continue, whether with Johnny Depp or without. So while we wait for “Pirates Of The Caribbean 6”, we can recall how it all began with “Pirates Of The Caribbean”: That’s when Johnny Depp first stepped onto the planks of the Black Pearl as pirate captain Jack Sparrow – and almost got a black nose in the process. But not because he was drunk (which he was!)…

Because at one of the first meetings between Johnny Depp and director Gore Verbinski, the actor made a pretty crazy suggestion for his character: Jack Sparrow should have his nose chopped off in a sword fight. Afterwards, he would have it sewn back on – but because of the poor blood circulation in the tissue, the nose would henceforth be blue!


This would then not only have resulted in a very strange look for the pirate, but would also have given him a whole new peculiarity at the same time: Because his sensitive nose would be so badly off, the blue-nosed Jack Sparrow would have been more afraid of catching a cold or of pepper, which would have made him sneeze, than of death itself.

Even crazier than the request itself, however, is the fact that Gore Verbinski is said to have been on the verge of granting the actor’s wish. As shocked as the filmmaker was by Depp’s suggestion, he is said to have been determined to convince Disney to give the pirate a blue nose. But Johnny Depp himself is said to have realised that he had overshot the mark a little with his idea – and abandoned the plan.

As our sister site Espinof.com reports, this story, for example, is included in Spain in the audio commentary of the DVD edition of “Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl” – but not on the Blu-ray.

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