The animated series “Doug” ran in the 1990s and 2000s in this country on SuperRTL up and down. Now the cult series from your…
Titina: Norwegian animated adventure about the discovery of the North Pole, from the perspective of Titina, the little dog who was on the mission.…
Anselm: 3D documentary film by Wim Wenders about the painter and sculptor Anselm Kiefer. Plot and background The German-Austrian painter and sculptor Anselm Kiefer…
Edgar Wright created between “Shaun Of The Dead” and “Baby Driver” one of the most original comic book adaptations ever, which is still an…
BlockbusterNew in CinemaNews
This fantasy blockbuster has set a Disney record: Now there’s
by Mikeby MikeThe director of the adventure blockbuster “Pirates Of The Caribbean: Stranger Tides” updated a popular animated classic, delivering a major Disney+ success. Now, “Ariel…
ComingSoon is debuting an exclusive Helen’s Dead trailer from the upcoming Tyrese Gibson-led mystery comedy movie. The film is set to release on Friday,…
Sony Pictures has dropped a brand new Napoleon video for Ridley Scott’s forthcoming biographical war drama. In the video, Scott reveals why he enlisted…
ComingSoon is debuting an exclusive Haunted Mansion deleted scene from the special features of the Disney live-action supernatural horror comedy’s digital release. The film…
The first trailer for Renaissance, a new Beyoncé concert film, has been released. Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé is a new concert film showing…
New in CinemaNews
Now streaming for the first time: Horror prequel to one of the scariest
by Mikeby MikeStephen King’s Graveyard of the Snuggles is one of his scariest horror stories. At Paramount+, the prequel to the 2019 remake opens today. Stephen…