Home Comedy Guglhupfgeschwader


by Dennis

Guglhupfgeschwader: In the eighth film in the crime series, provincial policeman Eberhofer has to save Lotto-Otto, a gambling addict, from bill collectors and solve his mother’s murder.

In the eighth film in the crime series, provincial policeman Eberhofer has to save Lotto-Otto, a gambling addict, from bill collectors and solve the murder of his mother.

For his tenth anniversary, Franz Eberhofer (Sebastian Bezzel) wanted to sit back, celebrate and attend the inauguration of the roundabout named after him. Instead, Lotto-Otto comes to him and asks for help. The lotto shop owner has accumulated a huge gambling debt and is now threatened by the unscrupulous bill collectors. But before Eberhofer can even start work, disaster strikes: the kiosk blows up and Lotto Otto’s mother is killed.

Eberhofer has to catch the perpetrators as quickly as possible before anyone else is harmed or even killed. Normally he would consult his old friend and helper Birkenberger (Simon Schwarz), but he is busy with his new girlfriend. Will Eberhofer still manage to solve the case before the bill collectors strike again?

It’s not only Eberhofer who provides good laughs with his crime series, but also these German comedies:

“Guglhupfgeschwader” – Backgrounds

For the eighth time, Sebastian Bezzel goes on the hunt for criminals as provincial policeman Franz Eberhofer. As usual, the story is based on the popular crime series by Rita Falk, and the novel filmed here is the tenth anniversary volume. There is not yet much information about the cast, but it can be assumed that Ed Herzog will once again take the director’s seat and that there will also be a reunion with old acquaintances in front of the camera, such as Simon Schwarz as Birkenberger or Lisa Maria Potthoff as Eberhofer’s girlfriend Susi.

“Guglhupfgeschwader” – cinema release

The predecessor film “Kaiserschmarrndrama” had to be postponed to the cinema year 2021 due to the corona pandemic. Therefore, the date for “Guglhupfgeschwader” has been postponed: It is currently not clear when the eighth provincial thriller will be released in German cinemas. Presumably we can expect the popular village sheriff in German cinemas in the 2022 cinema year.

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