Home Amazon “Ghastly mess” to “best scene of the year”: Rings of Power finale.

“Ghastly mess” to “best scene of the year”: Rings of Power finale.

by Tommy

The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power recently celebrated its Season 1 finale. The final episode of the Amazon series is also dividing the community

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power finale is here. The controversial Amazon series has brought together several storylines in the final episode, not least revealing who Sauron is. The community has reacted as it has to the rest of the series. Immensely divided, and even on details. Beware, spoilers to The Rings of Power ending!

Rings of Power finale divides Lord of the Rings fans on all levels

“9/10 for the series, 10/10 for the finale. Can’t wait for the sequel,” for example, on Twitter. “Best scene I’ve seen this year,” writes one fan about the Sauron reveal. “The song at the end was great,” says another community member.

But for many others, the opinion is the exact opposite. “The song at the end was horrible,” can also be read on Twitter, for example. “A ghastly mess,” one follower quotes from a Forbes review. “A crushing disappointment,” agrees another fan.

The division of the community towards the finale is at times startling in its manifestations, but not really surprising. Since the first episode, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power has been dividing fans.

Podcast: The Rings of Power episode 5 & 6 with recap, theories and explanations

In the 5th and 6th episodes of Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Farewells and Udûn), a long-prepared conflict unloads in the first shaft of the fantasy series, ending in a visually exhilarating disaster. We discuss twists, theories and characters.

Whether it’s corroborated Sauron conspiracies or the new mystics seeking the Stranger: We explain Lord of the Rings elements from Mithril to Adar and talk about the best and most infuriating moments of the new episodes.

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