Home Amazon Amazon contradicts rumours: “The Rings of Power” showrunners not

Amazon contradicts rumours: “The Rings of Power” showrunners not

by Tommy

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” was also discussed controversially, some even speculated that the series creators J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay would be fired. Now Amazon has expressed its confidence in the two and their plans.

With “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” Amazon landed a great success and thrilled numerous fans, but at the same time the series was also accompanied by numerous debates and discussions. Especially in the social media and on YouTube, some people stirred up the mood against “The Rings of Power” – which eventually even led to the rumour that Amazon had fired the showrunners J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay in reaction to the headwind on the internet and was planning a complete reorientation of the series.

Such reports, spread by less reliable sources, sites and channels, should of course always be taken with a grain of salt, but somehow a nerve has obviously been touched in this case. This is also shown by the fact that Vernon Sanders, responsible for series worldwide at Amazon Studios, was asked by the US industry magazine Deadline whether Amazon still stands by the showrunners Payne and McKay and their plan for five seasons of “The Rings of Power” now that Season 1 has been released.

Sanders’ response, however, leaves little room for speculation, but can only be understood as an unequivocal commitment to Payne and McKay: “We absolutely stand [by the 5-season plan] and are rightly very excited. They’ve done a great job. “


In addition, Sanders was asked by Deadline when we could expect a third season to be announced. After all, that too would be a clear sign of recognition and confidence, after the second season was already announced long before the release of Season 1 (namely in November 2019). On this, Sanders explained:

“We’ve been working on Season 3 for probably two or three months, but I guess there should certainly be news to announce there in the new year. Getting [Season 3] off the ground takes so much planning and groundwork, and the only reason we’re not quite done is because we’re up to our ears in Season 2.”

Of course, that doesn’t mean that filming for season 3 has already been underway for two or three months. But apparently Payne and McKay’s team is already busy preparing – outlining a rough storyline, designing new locations, characters and objects and the like.

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