Home Amazon New on Amazon Prime Video: 2x science fiction and a horror secret tip

New on Amazon Prime Video: 2x science fiction and a horror secret tip

by Mike

Those who have a subscription to Amazon Prime Video and like to watch genre films can look forward to a good supply. Among others, there is a space thriller, a detective story about forbidden smart robots and a creepy house horror film new.

Over the weekend, we already brought you one of the biggest and best new releases in the Amazon Prime Video subscription: the science fiction masterpiece “Dune” by Denis Villeneuve (“Arrival”, “Blade Runner 2049”). Those who can’t get enough of the sci-fi genre can also look forward to two other titles that can now be streamed for free as part of the Prime subscription. There is also star-studded Oscar cinema – and a somewhat lesser-known, but no less scary horror film by “Saw” and “Conjuring” director James Wan.

Let’s stick straight to the topic of horror: “Insidious” is now available in the Prime subscription. It may be less well-known and popular than James Wan’s other horror films, but it’s hardly less scary in its shock moments than a “Conjuring”. The author of this article even finds “Insidious” a tad better, because it is less conventional and instead crazier and wackier than its big scary brother “Conjuring”.

When it comes to science fiction, there are two different sub-genres: “Stowaway” is a space thriller in the form of a claustrophobic chamber play in which four people on board a spaceship struggle for survival and with philosophical questions. For this, we gave it a strong 4 out of 5 stars.

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