Home Amazon New on Amazon Prime Video: This series is a must for thriller fans -.

New on Amazon Prime Video: This series is a must for thriller fans -.

by Han

Sebastian Fitzek is probably the most successful thriller author in Germany. On Amazon Prime Video, you can stream the thriller series “The Therapy” starting today. This is a series adaptation of Fitzek’s debut work of the same name.

Whenever Sebastian Fitzek publishes a novel, you can be pretty sure that it will also become a bestseller. Hardly any other German author has a better command of turning convoluted crime stories into mass successes. So it’s hardly surprising that his books are being adapted both for the big screen (see “Abgeschnitten”) and for the series market.

This is what Amazon Prime Video has now done with “Sebastian Fitzek’s The Therapy,” the successful author’s debut novel, which has been adapted into a series. Starting today, you can watch the six-episode format as part of your Prime subscription. Crime fiction lovers can look forward to a dark, thoroughly mysterious guessing game.


At the center of the action is psychiatrist Viktor Larenz (Stephen Kampwirth). He has reached the end of his rope since his 13-year-old daughter Josy (Helena Zengel) disappeared under unexplained circumstances two years ago. There are no witnesses, no traces and no body. Viktor then makes the decision to retreat to a vacation home in the wilderness, but the pain is just too deep to digest the loss.

More and more Viktor isolates himself from his outside world, until one day an unknown woman (Emma Bading) shows up at his door asking for psychiatric help. She is terrorized by strange delusions that are frighteningly reminiscent of Joy’s disappearance. Are her visions just fiction or is there actually a spark of reality buried in the chaos of thoughts? The initial therapy sessions turn into a hunt for the truth.

In addition to Stephan Kampwirth (“Blackout”), Emma Bading (“Lieber Thomas”) and Helena Zengel (“Systemsprenger”), the cast also includes Trystan Pütter (“Das fliegende Klassenzimmer”) and Andrea Osvart (“Die Diplomatin”). The series was directed by Thor Freudenthal (“Carnival Row”) and Iván Sáinz-Pardo (“Ainhoa”). Meanwhile, Alexander Rümelin (“Lindenberg!”), Don Bohlinger (“The Experiment”) and Christian Limmer (“Oktoberfest 1900”) are responsible for the script.

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