Home Amazon New on Amazon Prime Video: This historical thriller shines through

New on Amazon Prime Video: This historical thriller shines through

by Han

As of today, “Vidocq – Ruler of the Underworld,” an exquisitely crafted and action-packed historical thriller starring Vincent Cassel, is available on Amazon Prime Video subscriptions.

Frenchman Eugéne Francois Vidocq was not only a nationally known criminal, but eventually achieved fame as a criminologist in the wake of Napoleonic rule, opening his own private detective agency in 1833. Vidocq, who inspired contemporary writers such as Alexandre Dumas and Victor Hugo, is today credited with both the invention of undercover investigations and the outlines of modern ballistics testing.

It’s no wonder that this thoroughly historical personality is also popularly treated in the film landscape. Following the fantasy thriller “Vidocq,” which starred Gérard Depardieu, came the 2018 historical thriller “Vidocq – Ruler of the Underworld,” starring Vincent Cassel, which is now available on Amazon Prime Video.



Paris in 1811: Francois Vidocq (Vincent Cassel) is the only man ever to successfully escape from the country’s largest penal colony. This act earned him legendary status throughout France. Now Vidocq tries to lead a quiet life away from crime under a new identity – but is quickly caught up with his criminal past.

He is unmasked and accused of a murder he did not commit. Vidocq decides to make a deal with the authorities and help hunt down criminals. But with this change of sides, he confronts the entire underworld that once celebrated and revered him for his deeds. In addition, Vidocq encounters an old acquaintance whose plan is to take over the rule of Paris…


With a handsome budget of 22 million euros, “Vidocq – Ruler of the Underworld” can rightfully be called a big production. And as a viewer, you realize that the money was well spent. Through the imposing and detail-obsessed backdrops such as French castles and bustling marketplaces, director Jean-Francois Richet succeeds immensely impressively in bringing historical Paris in the 19th century back to life.

Due to the briskly staged action sequences, which in addition (of course only in the uncut version) have some rather explicit moments of violence, “Vidocq – Ruler of the Underworld” can score with good pace especially in the first half. In the second half, however, the film shifts its focus towards historical drama and at times proves to be not only rather tough, but also disorganized. That’s a shame, because the first hour of the film raises hopes for a real genre highlight.

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