Home Amazon New on Amazon Prime Video: Cult western adventure with Mel Gibson and

New on Amazon Prime Video: Cult western adventure with Mel Gibson and

by Tommy

Originally, “Top Gun: Maverick” was supposed to come to Amazon Prime Video today, but instead there’s Richard Donner’s “Maverick” to watch.

Update (Oct. 16, 4:35 p.m.): An error seems to have crept into the official announcement on the part of Amazon. Instead of the confirmed “Top Gun: Maverick” that this post is about, “Maverick” with Mel Gibson was added to the assortment. We have adjusted the headline and image of the article accordingly, the original article below refers to the original recommendation for “Top Gun: Maverick”:

After Joseph Kosinski was already able to convince with his first three films (“Tron: Legacy”, “No Way Out”, “Oblivion”), he crowned not only his career, but also that of lead actor Tom Cruise with “Top Gun: Maverick” – after all, he gave the superstar with the pilot sequel the (by far!) most successful film in his professional career. But “Top Gun 2” was a real hit not only because of its worldwide box-office takings of over 1.496 billion dollars.

The film wowed both the press and audiences. Why? Now you can see for yourself in a particularly convenient way: because you can now stream “Top Gun: Maverick” with your subscription to Amazon Prime Video at no extra cost!

Alternatively, you can also stream the movie via Paramount+*. In addition, the second “Top Gun” is of course also available as DVD, Blu-ray and 4K Blu-ray* – as well as the ultimate Superfan Edition* including both films in a steelbook and all sorts of exclusive extras.


When the author of this article met legendary producer Jerry Bruckheimer for an interview on the occasion of the theatrical release of “Bad Boys For Life” at the beginning of 2020, he already promised him great things for “Top Gun 2” – for example, he announced scenes from the cockpit of fighter jets shot with up to six cameras, the likes of which had never been seen before. A good two and a half years later, we got to see “Maverick” and with it the confirmation: Bruckheimer hadn’t promised too much, hadn’t just talked big to promote his film – but hit the nail on the head.

While other straggler sequels often have trouble picking up the spirit of the original, director Joseph Kosinski needs only 180 seconds to let his audience know that he understood “Top Gun” – and has nothing but love for the Tony Scott classic. For in the first three minutes, not a single line of dialogue may be uttered, but in terms of staging alone, “Maverick” feels like pure ’80s distillate – and by the time Kenny Loggins’ “Danger Zone” picks up speed, at the latest, you really can’t help but join Captain Pete “Maverick” Mitchell (Tom Cruise) in the adventure once again.

This time, the daredevil has to prepare a young squad for a supposedly impossible mission in just a few weeks – including Rooster (Miles Teller), the son of Goose (Anthony Edwards), who once died at his side. Of course, this leaves plenty of room for kitsch and pathos, which must exist to some extent in a “Top Gun” sequel, but which never gets out of hand – and is always subordinated to the emotional, highly suspenseful story.

“Top Gun: Maverick” offers numerous goosebump moments rarely seen in blockbusters anymore – for example in strong character moments between the title character and his new old flame Penny (Jennifer Connelly), between Rooster and his rival Hangman (Glen Powell) and also between Maverick and his old buddy Ice (Val Kilmer). The film is sometimes amusing and carefree, sometimes emotional and sad – and in the end remains in the memory as a rousing, wild ride above all because its story and its breathtaking action sequences go hand in hand. And form a symbiosis rarely seen anymore.

And here we come to one of the greatest strengths of “Top Gun: Maverick”. For it is precisely in terms of action that the film is revolutionary. Whereas in part 1 it was only Tom Cruise who actually took to the skies for shots, now all the shots were supposed to be “real” – and not shot in the studio in front of a green screen. Instead, the entire flying cast went through intensive training to master the G-forces that prevail in a fighter jet. Otherwise, filming at lofty heights would have been impossible for them.

And that’s exactly what you feel. But it becomes clear, especially in the second half, that even the most spectacular images are nothing without their relevance to the content: When it comes to proving, for instance, that the supposedly unfeasible mission is very much possible – as well as, ultimately, the mission itself – Kosinski and Cruise let loose some of the most rousing, thrilling and visually stunning action sequences of the last 20 years.

“Top Gun: Maverick” is all of a piece, a fun, emotional and gripping experience that thrills every time – and for the author of this article, therefore, the best classic blockbuster in many, many years.

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