Home Amazon Soon to be gone from Prime Video: One of the scariest horror movies of all time

Soon to be gone from Prime Video: One of the scariest horror movies of all time

by Dennis

Amazon Prime Video is once again taking some great cinema highlights out of the subscription towards the end of October. Horror fans in particular should hurry, because one particularly gruesome representative of the genre is disappearing soon…

You want to prepare for Halloween in the best possible way? Then it is of course to pick in October, especially horror movies for the cozy movie nights on the couch – and Amazon Prime Video has something particularly suitable for you in the offer. If you haven’t yet been scared by James Wan’s “Insidious”, you should do so as soon as possible. And not just because Halloween is approaching: The horror shocker is only included in the Prime Video subscription until October 27, 2023.

2010 James Wan’s hit franchise took off with the first “Insidious” installment – and even now, the horror film is still considered one of the scariest of all time, at least according to a 2020 study. Measuring the heart rate of viewers* revealed that the audience’s ticker got the most pumping during the genre colleague “Sinister”. “Insidious” makes it to No. 2 – but came out on top elsewhere, as the James Wan production scored with the scariest single shock moment.


Amazon Prime Video is cleaning out its slate and “Insidious” is not the only movie that will soon disappear from the subscription and will only be available for an additional fee. The fun shark actioner “Meg “* with Jason Statham and the strongly acted media drama “Bombshell “* with Margot Robbie, Nicole Kidman and Charlize Theron can also only be watched in the Prime subscription until October 27.

The dystopian novel “The Time Machine,” starring Guy Pearce as a scientist who encounters Morlocks and Eloi in the future, and the stop-motion horror film “Corpse Bride,” directed by Tim Burton, have one day longer. Both films are included in the Prime subscription until October 28.

You missed the featured movies in the Prime Video subscription? Don’t worry, there are always plenty of new additions – for example, you can now stream the excellent David Bowie documentary “Moonage Daydream” and more with your subscription. In general, if you don’t want to miss any important new releases – whether on the big screen, streaming, or for home theater – just subscribe to our free newsletter, which comes out every Thursday.

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