Home Action Breaking Bad meets John Wick: New Marvel series surprises with a really tough trailer and is revolutionary for 4 reasons

Breaking Bad meets John Wick: New Marvel series surprises with a really tough trailer and is revolutionary for 4 reasons

by Mike

The first Marvel series of 2024 announces itself with an unexpectedly brutal trailer. According to initial reactions, we can look forward to a mixture of Breaking Bad, John Wick and Marvel”s Daredevil

From multiverse madness to the merciless streets of New York: AfterLokithe next series from the Marvel Cinematic Universe awaits us withEchoat Disney+. The story revolves around the character introduced inHawkeyeMaya Lopez, who is related to a legendary Marvel villain: the Kingpin.

In addition toAlaqua Cox, who once again takes on the role of Maya Lopez, we also get to seeVincent D”Onofrioin Echo. The Kingpin actor is already very present in the first trailer and providessome bloody moments In addition, none other than Daredevil briefly flies through the frame

Revolutionary Marvel series on Disney+: First echo trailer scores with Kingpin and Daredevil

Most recentlyCharlie Coxmade a guest appearance in the MCU seriesShe-Hulk: The Lawyerin the role of theRed Devil of Hell”s Kitchen Now he checks in with Echo before embarking on his own adventure, namelyDaredevil: Born Again. Both Cox and D”Onofrio have previously appeared in the Netflix seriesMarvel”s Daredevil

You can watch the trailer for Echo here:

Aside from cameos and guest appearances, there are many more reasons why Echo is a special project. In fact, thereare four reasonsthat turn Echo into a groundbreaking MCU series.

  • The age rating:Echo is the first MCU series on Disney+ to receive a TV-MA rating in the USA. Specifically, this means that the series contains material that may be unsuitable for children under the age of 14, such as scenes with crude language, sexual acts and intense violence.
  • The release:Echo is the first MCU series whose season (five episodes in total) will be released in its entirety in one day on Disney+. The series will also be released in parallel on streaming service Hulu in the USA.
  • The MCU classification:Echo is the first MCU series to arrive on Disney+ under the Marvel Spotlight banner. It”s about grounded stories that focus on individual characters rather than a larger-than-life adventure to save the world or the universe.
  • Representation:Echo, and this is the most exciting point, is the first MCU series to feature a deaf protagonist. The story also deals with Maya”s roots as a Native American. The trailer already gives us a brief insight into her past.

Marvel is trying out many new things with Echo. According to theHollywood Reporterthe series will be more like aprestige dramathan a classic MCU series. In addition to Marvel”s Daredevil, the series milestoneBreaking Badand the action-festJohn Wickare cited as reference points. That sounds very tempting indeed.

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