Home Thriller Action-fest at Amazon: Ingenious John Wick replacement with Breaking Bad god who flattens everything and everyone

Action-fest at Amazon: Ingenious John Wick replacement with Breaking Bad god who flattens everything and everyone

by Mike

Breaking Bad star Bob Odenkirk got his own series with Better Call Saul, in the action cracker Nobody we see him from a much more cold-blooded side. The John Wick replacement is on Amazon today.
In the action thriller Nobody, Bob Odenkirk (Breaking Bad) transforms himself from a nobody into an absolute fighting machine à la John Wick. The screenplay was actually written by Derek Kolstad, who also wrote the script for the John Wick series. The action film, released in 2021, was directed by Ilya Naishuller

Action with Breaking Bad star: That’s what Nobody is about

Hutch Mansell (Odenkirk) is constantly overlooked as a family man and husband. No matter how bad life throws at him, he takes it in his stride. Even when his own family is threatened by burglars in their suburban home, he doesn’t dare to stand up to the strangers.

(Bob Odenkirk in Nobody)

(Bob Odenkirk in Nobody)

From then on, Hutch is taken for a loser. But the terrible events have triggered something inside him that no one would have expected. The newly awakened instincts transform the family man into a fighting machine who begins a brutal campaign against his opponents

Nobody maker talks about possible John Wick crossover

Although Nobody has a lot more humor than John Wick, action fans immediately drew comparisons between the two films. Similarities such as the spectacular action scenes and the fast pace are striking, and both films received overwhelmingly positive reviews. Since the films are from the same pen, a crossover would also be possible, wouldn’t it?

Comicbook asked screenwriter Derek Kolstad, but he doesn’t see any chance of a crossover. After all, the films are being produced by different studios. Apart from that, Kolstad does not think that John Wick and Nobody are particularly similar:

I think they’re very different, and if they ever met at any point, it would be [two characters] walking through an airport and just nodding at each other.

Scattering a few Easter eggs is also much more interesting for him and the audience than an actual crossover, Kolstad continued. A crossover, on the other hand, feels depressing, according to the filmmaker. So it remains to be seen whether a few hidden references to John Wick will appear in the sequel. There have been reports of a possible sequel for some time, as a Collider article shows

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