Home Fantasy Is Damsel 2 coming to Netflix? The director of the fantasy hit already knows how he would tell the sequel

Is Damsel 2 coming to Netflix? The director of the fantasy hit already knows how he would tell the sequel

by Mike

It is not yet clear whether we will get a sequel to Millie Bobby Brown’s fantasy adventure on Netflix with Damsel 2. But director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo is already making plans.
A week ago, Netflix released Damsel, its biggest fantasy adventure of the year. The story of how Millie Bobby Brown becomes a princess and then finds herself in the role of the dragon victim has interested many and has kept the film at number 1 in the streamer’s top ten ever since. Director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo would definitely like Damsel 2 – and he even already has a concrete springboard in mind for the possible sequel.

Netflix’s fantasy film Damsel has been watched a lot – but will there be a 2nd part?

According to Deadline, Damsel attracted a lot of viewers in its first three days on Netflix: 35.3 million viewings catapulted the fairytale survival adventure to the top of the weekly charts. The film, which made Millie Bobby Brown question her fantasy love, also remains at the top in Germany.

With such keen interest, the question of a sequel is naturally not far off. Director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo has even given a hopeful sequel answer. In an interview with the Inside Total Film podcast (at minute 39), Fresnadillo spoke about his star Millie Bobby Brown and the desire for Damsel 2:

(Is Damsel 2 sprinting off yet?)

(Is Damsel 2 sprinting off yet?)

I would be so happy to make a sequel to Damsel. But of course we have to wait and see what the audience thinks and how they react to the movie. It’s true that the universe of Damsel is really open.

In particular because of the new composition of the family. There’s this new member in the story that we shouldn’t say too much about, but it invites you to think about more adventures with them. If that happens, I would definitely be very happy.

Who exactly the new “member” of the new Damsel team mentioned by the director is, Fresnadillo doesn’t say. But at the very end of the fantasy film, a new government trio is formed from the survivors Elodie (Millie Bobby Brown), her little sister Floria (Brooke Carter) and stepmother Lady Bayford (Angela Bassett). And their ship is also accompanied on the journey home by a certain dragon lady.

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