Home Family Stories of Franz

Stories of Franz

by Tommy

Stories of Franz: Children’s film based on the Austrian books of the same name by Christine Nöstlinger

Film plot and background

Children’s film based on the Austrian books of the same name by Christine Nöstlinger.

At the age of nine, Franz Fröstl (Jossi Jantschitsch) would like to be one of the cool kids in his class. But with his high-pitched squeaky voice and his rather small height, he is teased by some of his classmates. While his best friends Eberhard (Leo Wacha) and Gabi (Nora Reidinger) like him the way he is and his parents (Ursula Strauss and Simon Schwarz) are convinced that he doesn’t need to change, Franz has had enough of the constant teasing.

On the internet he comes across the channel of influencer Hank Haberer (Philipp Dornauer), who has developed a 10-point programme on how to become a real guy. According to this, you have to be trained, do your thing and show your tough side. But whether that goes down well with the strict teacher Zickzack (Rainer Egger), let alone his classmates, is another matter. A quarrel is brewing in Franz’s circle of friends.

“Stories of Franz” – background, cast, cinema release

“Geschichten vom Franz” appeared in stores in 1984 and since then moulted into one of the most popular children’s book series in the country. Author Christine Nöstlinger published a total of 19 volumes until 2011, and now comes the first film adaptation of the material about the primary school pupil Franz.

In the film version of the same name, newcomer Jossi Jantschitsch slips into the title role, at his side are many well-known Austro-stars such as Simon Schwarz (“Eberhofer” series), Ursula Strauss, Maria Bill, Julia Edtmeier. The children’s cast is completed by Nora Reidinger and Leo Wacha.

Directed by the experienced children’s film director Johannes Schmid (“Blöde Mütze”), “Geschichten vom Franz” was made both in Austria and Germany. On 14 April 2022, you can marvel here at the adventures that will be seen in the cinema in “Geschichten vom Franz”.

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