Home New in Cinema Inception


by Mike

Inception: groundbreaking science fiction thriller about a gang that cashes in on the theft of dreams.

Film plot and background

Breakthrough science fiction thriller about a gang that cashes in on the theft of dreams.

Christopher Nolan is THE director of our time. Hardly anyone in recent years has been so good at underpinning the mainstream with interesting themes. With Christopher Nolan, commerce and art suddenly no longer seemed to be a contradiction. The 2010 release of “Inception” had a particularly difficult task. Even before its release, the wild genre mix that confidently blended our dream worlds with the theme of international industrial espionage was received as Nolan’s big free ride.

With the groundbreaking success of “The Dark Knight”, the director had allowed himself virtually absolute fool’s freedom on his next project. The studio more or less threw the money at him. And so “Inception” became very expensive, very ambitious and very successful. However, it should not be underestimated here that “Inception” also had its critics. But Nolan had also brought it on himself a bit, because in the run-up to its release, the man had acted a bit too much like an intellectual auteur. Inception” did not turn out to be a philosophical treatise on the subconscious, and so the more demanding feature pages were somewhat disappointed here and there. However, the fact that “Inception” often finds itself at the top of widely read lists of the best films of all time may also be due to the fact that the truth once again lies somewhere in between.

Without question, Nolan’s “Inception” is a visually outstanding, immensely exciting thriller with groundbreaking action sequences and a visibly committed cast. First and foremost, of course, Leonardo DiCaprio. If you are looking for an intelligent action thriller, you should find “Inception” a film that convinces all along the line.

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