Home Family The Peppercorns and the Treasure of the Deep Sea

The Peppercorns and the Treasure of the Deep Sea

by Han

The Peppercorns and the Treasure of the Deep Sea: Second cinema adventure of the young detectives. This time they have to track down a missing marine explorer.

Film plot and background

Second cinema adventure of the junior detectives. This time they have to track down a missing marine explorer.

12-year-old Alice (Emily Flint) is looking forward to the summer holidays because this year she is going to Northern Ireland to visit her boyfriend Tarun (Caspar Fischer-Ortmann). But instead of a relaxing holiday, a new case awaits her here: Tarun’s mother Jaswinder (Meriam Abbas) is a marine biologist and is attacked at her research station. She is currently working on a solution to rid the oceans of rubbish, but the project is still top secret.

Back in Germany, she has a strange encounter with recycling entrepreneur Robert Fleckmann (Heino Ferch) and finally Jaswinda disappears from her research ship without a trace. As Alice, Tarun and the siblings Johnny (Leander Pütz) and Clarissa (Charlotte Martz) find out, the local fishermen are also not well disposed towards Jaswinda. What has she not told the children? Who is really playing false here?

These films also promise good entertainment for young and old:

“The Peppercorns and the Treasure of the Deep Sea” – Background and cast

After the “Peppercorns” successfully took part in their first cinema adventure in 2017, the second feature film for the young detectives is coming three years later. Christian Theede is once again directing the film, even though he usually appears in adult crime films (“Nord bei Nordost”, “Tatort”), and the script is by Dirk Ahner (“Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer”, “Frau Ella”). In front of the camera there is a reunion with Emilia Flint, who can be seen again as Alice. She is supported in her new case by Caspar Fischer-Ortmann (“Rocca verändert die Welt”), Leander Pütz and Charlotte Martz (who will also be seen in the “Pfefferkörner” series from 2021) as well as Linda Madita, who is making her acting debut here. Other roles include Max Riemelt and Sonja Gerhardt as research assistants, Heino Ferch as a recycling entrepreneur and Meriam Abbas as a missing marine biologist.

“The Peppercorns and the Treasure of the Deep Sea” – cinema release

The filming of the movie took place in Northern Ireland, East Frisia, Hamburg and on Amrum in autumn 2019. One year later, the finished work should then be seen in the cinema, however, the start for “Die Pfefferkörner und der Schatz der Tiefsee” also had to be postponed. The new date is 30 September 2021.

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