Home New in Cinema New in home cinema: A wacky horror firework with disgusting monsters,

New in home cinema: A wacky horror firework with disgusting monsters,

by Tommy

“Evil Dead”, but with a rock band, aliens and zombies that vomit poison: In the crude horror comedy “PussyCake – Monsters, Music and Gore!” a rock band wants to save its career. But then even the fate of the whole world depends on her!

Much has been said about German film titles – but sometimes they just hit the nail on the head! For example, the Argentinean horror show “Emesis” (i.e. “Vomiting”) was given the much more meaningful (and attractive) title “PussyCake – Monsters, Music and Gore! Can be done with a film in which a band called PussyCake wants to save its music career, but instead trudges into a brutal and disgusting adventure full of monsters and blood!

Splattered with numerous film references and cracking music, the horror comedy “PussyCake” celebrates its German home cinema premiere this week (14 October 2022). In addition to a limited mediabook with the film on DVD and Blu-ray, the film is also available as a regular DVD and Blu-ray edition:

Whichever edition you choose: The film is completely uncut. The home cinema releases come with an FSK rating from 18 because of their bonus material (including three short films!), but the main film is rated from 16.


The heyday of the rock band PussyCake (Flor Moreno, Anahí Politi, Sofia Rossi and Aldana Ruberto) is far behind. To revive their career, they go on tour once more – only to find that misfortune is nipping at their heels. The fans have forgotten them. A storm washes away the stage during a provincial festival. And worst of all, they’re out of beer! Oh, and their band van breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Oh, and aliens are out to get them. Oh, and let’s not forget the zombies puking up a toxic substance! Okay, maybe running out of beer isn’t the worst thing after all….

It’s self-explanatory: When aliens and zombie vomit wipe out humanity, there’s no audience left to hype a burn-out band’s comeback. Therefore, the rock tubes of PussyCake have to save the world in order to save their music career. In doing so, director Pablo Parés turns expectations of an indie splatter horror fun and rock band movie inside out by having the degenerating battle of “PussyCake versus grotesque monsters” take place largely in the glare of the sun.

This means: the rockers are out of their comfort zone – and the camera can capture all the vomit drops, blood splatters and every conceivable nasty bit in full detail. No way to fudge the budget, the effects have to be spot on! This also means more amusing nastiness for the “PussyCake” audience to discover. They have to be prepared for a fast-rocking horror party, but they can also look forward to a big “find the reference” party.

“PussyCake” has numerous throwbacks to the “Terminator” series, “Predator” and the trashy cult horror comedy “Ghoulies” to offer. As well as, of course, to music festival subcultures. The most obvious homages, however, are to “Tanz der Teufel” (Dance of the Devils), which is why the German film title for “PussyCake” would have been “Moshpit der Teufel” (Devil’s Moshpit).

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