Home New in Cinema Excuse me? The Flash is the biggest DC mess in years and yet…

Excuse me? The Flash is the biggest DC mess in years and yet…

by Mike

The DC blockbuster The Flash doesn’t open in cinemas until mid-2023, a success seems very doubtful at the moment. And yet there is already a script for the sequel.

DC is currently struggling with several catastrophes and the great superhero hope The Flash is significantly involved. Yet, in a dubious planning move, production studio Warner has already had a script written for the second installment.

Despite extreme The Flash controversy: A script already exists for the DC sequel

This is according to The Hollywood Reporter . The script was written by none other than Aquaman writer David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick. However, if The Flash 2 doesn’t even make it to the cinema, even the best script in the world won’t help DC.

After all, the success of the first The Flash seems extremely uncertain at the moment. Lead actor Ezra Miller recently caused an uproar with various assaults. Nevertheless, the film is expected to be the best DC blockbuster since The Dark Knight.

When will The Flash and The Flash 2 be released?

If the DC sequel comes to the cinema at all, it will take quite a while anyway. The Flash is currently set for release on 22 June 2023. A sequel before mid-2025 is unlikely.

The Batgirl disaster is the end of the Golden Streaming Age

We’ll probably never see the $90 million Batgirl movie starring Leslie Grace, Michael Keaton and Brendan Fraser. That’s a shame for all DC fans. But there is a much bigger development behind it.

Batgirl could have been a triumph for the streaming service HBO Max. Now, however, the film is coming to the end of a development that has been years in the making: the golden age of streaming that we have experienced over the past decade is over. In the podcast we talk about the effects and consequences.

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