Home News Confirmed: “Lost” creator making secret new “Star Wars” film – with

Confirmed: “Lost” creator making secret new “Star Wars” film – with

by Dennis

The cinema future of “Star Wars” remains somewhat uncertain. However, several new films are already in development and now they are joined by another – from “Lost” and “Watchmen” creator Damon Lindelof.

Disney and Lucasfilm boss Kathleen Kennedy have recently focused primarily on expanding the galaxy far, far away in the series sector when it comes to “Star Wars”. Several projects have already been launched (the “Rogue One” prequel “Andor” is currently running on Disney+), and numerous others are being actively worked on. Meanwhile, the cinema future of the mega-franchise is not nearly as concrete.

After the end of the controversial sequel trilogy in 2019, it remains unclear what exactly will happen next with “Star Wars” on the big screen, even though several films have been promised since then, such as a new trilogy by “Star Wars 8” creator Rian Johnson, a “Rogue Squadron” film by “Wonder Woman” director Patty Jenkins or projects of their own by “Thor 3 & 4” creator Taika Waititi and MCU mastermind Kevin Feige. And now they are even adding another potential cinematic adventure:

“Lost” co-creator and “Watchmen” creator Damon Lindelof is writing a new “Star Wars” film. This is reported by the industry magazine Deadline, after corresponding rumours already made the rounds more than half a year ago. However, not much more is known about the project than at that time, and it is still completely unclear what it will be about.

What is new, however, is that Lindelof will not write the space adventure alone (although it is unknown who his writing partner is) and that Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, a director who is now increasingly in demand in Hollywood, is on board. The Pakistani filmmaker is already a two-time Oscar winner (for her short documentaries “Saving Face” and “A Girl In The River”) and has also directed two episodes of the MCU series “Ms. Marvel” for Disney this year. She is also currently set to direct the long-planned sci-fi thriller “Brilliance” with Will Smith.


Damon Lindelof should also have the necessary thick skin to face the often harsh reactions and even open hostility of “Star Wars” fans to new projects in the franchise (which the aforementioned Rian Johnson in particular felt in the recent past for “Star Wars 8”). Lindelof was already confronted with a huge fan outcry for the much-discussed finale of the mystery hit “Lost”, for which he was mainly responsible. And his collaboration on the “Alien” prequel “Prometheus” and the “Star Trek” reboot sequel “Star Trek Into Darkness” also caused many a fan to go to the barricades.

Since then, however, the three-time Emmy winner has produced two celebrated TV hits with “The Leftovers” and “Watchmen”, which have also rehabilitated him in the eyes of many critical series viewers.


For some time now, it has been said that the next “Star Wars” film will hit theatres in December 2023. It is still up in the air whether that will be the case and, if so, exactly which film we can expect. For a long time, “Rogue Squadron” was more or less a sure thing, but after delays due to alleged creative differences between Lucasfilm and director Patty Jenkins, it recently looked as if Taika Waititi’s film would be preferred. It is also conceivable, however, that the Lindelof project will go ahead quickly now that a sought-after director has been hired to be actively involved in the development of the story.

If Disney wants to stick to the cinema start at the end of 2023, there should be more information soon. But since it is slowly becoming difficult to keep to the current schedule anyway (the next “Star Wars” films are planned for 2025 and 2027), a further postponement is not out of the question. In general, Kathleen Kennedy’s strategy is to have many different ideas and story drafts developed at the same time, which explains the frequent reports of various new “Star Wars” films in recent years, for which there are virtually no details. Some of these projects we will likely never see, others will significantly change shape.

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