Home New in Cinema Gemini Man

Gemini Man

by Dennis

Gemini Man: Hitman Henry Brogan (Will Smith) is doggedly pursued by a young agent who anticipates his every move. Who is behind it?

Film plot and background

Henry Brogan (Will Smith) is a somewhat aging hitman. He is known for his extraordinary skills and his precise way of working, which always allow him to complete his assignments within the shortest possible time.

But suddenly he becomes a target himself. A mysterious young agent follows him and seems to anticipate his every move. Research and a direct confrontation eventually reveal that the mysterious agent is his 27 years younger self. “Junior” is a clone who has now been set to eradicate his older genetic likeness. But why was a clone of the elite killer created and why is he now set to kill his genetic counterpart?

Get a taste of “Gemini Man” in the new trailer:

“Gemini Man” – FSK, theatrical release, backgrounds

Will Smith in a double bill: “Gemini Man” opens in German cinemas on 03 October 2019 and has an FSK rating from 12 years.

With the science fiction thriller “Gemini Man”, Ang Lee once again proves that he is a great master in the use of visual effects. His directing work was already awarded an Oscar for “Life of Pi”. For his latest work, a special “de-aging VFX technology” is used that makes Will Smith look several decades younger. A similar technique was also used for Samuel L. Jackson in “Captain Marvel” and Robert De Niro as well as Al Pacino in “The Irishman”.

In addition, Lee again decided to release a film in High Frame Rate (HFR) after “The Mad Hero’s Tour of Billy Lyn”. “Gemini Man” was filmed in 3D at 120 frames per second and in a 4k resolution – the “normal” HFR is 60 frames per second. It is questionable how many cinemas will actually be able to play the film in this high quality.

In addition to Will Smith in a double cast, we see Mary Elisabeth Winstead (“Die Hard”) and Benedict Wong (“Doctor Strange”) in other roles as his backup team, Clive Owen (“Valerian”) as Junior’s client.

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