Home News Harrison Ford becomes the Hulk: the most incredible Marvel rumour of the year

Harrison Ford becomes the Hulk: the most incredible Marvel rumour of the year

by Mike

In Captain America 4: New World Order, Harrison Ford makes his Marvel debut. According to a new rumour, he could even be seen as the Red Hulk in the process.

One of the biggest casting coups in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the involvement of Harrison Ford. In Captain America 4: New World Order, the actor who has brought iconic characters like Han Solo and Indiana Jones to life takes on the role of Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross.

Previously, Ross was portrayed by William Hurt. However, since he passed away in March 2022, Marvel has decided to recast him. Last but not least, the plans for the character seem to be much bigger than we previously thought. A new rumour says that Ross will transform into Red Hulk.

Marvel Hammer: Harrison Ford rumoured to be Red Hulk in Captain America 4 and Avengers 6

The rumour stems from a leaked character description shared by scooper Daniel Richtman, as read on Reddit. The description reads as follows:

“Former US Army Lieutenant General and Secretary of State, now President of the United States. Using tapped radiation, Ross transformed himself into the Red Hulk. “

Red Hulk in Marvel Comics

Red Hulk in Marvel Comics

Of course, this description should be taken with a grain of salt. Nothing has been officially confirmed. However, the information coincides with the statements of another scooper: Grace Randolph confirms on her YouTube channel that Ross will henceforth be the President of the USA in the MCU and will turn into Red Hulk.

She adds that the character will not only appear in Captain America 4: New World Order (theatrical release: May 1, 2024) and Thunderbolts (theatrical release: June 24, 2024), but will remain in the MCU until at least Avengers 6: Secret Wars (theatrical release: April 29, 2026). This would make Harrison Ford a central actor in the next two Marvel phases.

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