Home Dokumentation What to do

What to do

by Tommy

What to do: Michael Kranz researches brothels in Bangladesh and tries to help. Documentary film inspired by a protagonist from “A Whore’s Glory”.

Plot and background

Forced prostitution in Bangladesh is a never-ending torture especially for the young girls and women. “Is there no other way for us women than suffering?” This is one of the questions that actor and documentary film student Michael Kranz cannot let go of after watching the documentary “Whores’ Glory” (2011).

He follows his first impulse and, without many clues, sets off to Bangladesh to look for the girl who asks this question in the documentary and wants to help her. He wants to give hope for a better world, but on his arduous journey he meets dozens of others who have suffered a similar fate to the girl in the documentary. Nevertheless, the belief in a better future resonates with the young women.

“What to do” – background, cinema release

For five years, Kranz works on the project without much financial help, building an aid project in Bangladesh called Bondhu that provides brothel children with the chance of education and safe housing. It is a chance to leave the lack of perspective behind.

At the SWR Documentary Film Award 2021, “Was Tun” was honoured with the Promotion Award and the Audience Award. Was Tun” will be released in German cinemas on 3 March 2022.

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