Home Dokumentation Fantastic Fungi – The magical world at our feet

Fantastic Fungi – The magical world at our feet

by Dennis

Fantastic Fungi: Documentary about the magical world of fungi by “Moving Art” filmmaker Louis Schwartzberg

Plot and background

With his time-lapse footage, filmmaker Louis Schwartzberg showed in the documentary series “Moving Art” that art is also grounded in nature. One of his episodes was dedicated to the fungi on our planet.

For the documentary “Fantastic Mushrooms”, Schwartzberg spoke with scientists and mycologists such as Paul Stamets, probably the best-known mushroom expert on earth. The fungal kingdom not only provides answers on how to heal the planet from natural disasters, but at the same time offers possibilities in medical, therapeutic and ecological fields.

Beneath our feet stretches a gigantic system of fungi that form the basis of our existence. Schwartzberg’s mission is therefore “to decode the language of nature”. The beauty and mutability of fungi is captured with the same time-lapses for which he became famous in “Moving Art”, interviews with experts and elaborate effects.

“Fantastic Mushrooms” – cinema release

In the USA, the documentary was already released in 2019 and wowed critics* and audiences. Here, “Fantastic Mushrooms” will be released in German cinemas on 9 September 2021.

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