Home New in Cinema Shit-storm against Mario Barth: “This shows what an arrogant

Shit-storm against Mario Barth: “This shows what an arrogant

by Mike

In an Instagram livestream, comedian Mario Barth is ragging on trans people and critics. On Twitter, the “shit man” reaps a storm of indignation for this.

Mario Barth is one of the most successful German comedians, but is also highly controversial among viewers. Many accuse him of making misogyny a concept in his programme. Now he has spoken out against trans people in an Instagram livestream and triggered a storm of indignation.

Mario Barth mocks trans people and critics: “You’re an idiot “

In an Instagram livestream, Barth mockingly compares trans people’s gender definitions to spontaneously switching between different types of animals. In the process, he dubs the undefined transperson he is talking about “Mr. Kowollski, Mrs. Kowollski, It Kowollski, [the] Cow Kowollski. “

The shitstorm is not long in coming. Not least because in the same video Barth rails against a critic whom he calls an “idiot” who is not worthy of being mentioned by name. “That shows what [an] arrogant shit person he is,” reads one of the sharp reactions. Others call the comedian a “deathly embarrassed Otto” who says “stupid shit”.

Barth’s comments are insulting, denigrating and testify to a weak sense of political zeitgeist. However, few will actually be surprised by Barth’s comments. They fit all too well into the rest of his stage concept.

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