Home New in Cinema New The Witcher series knocks out elaborate opening scene with fan favourite in

New The Witcher series knocks out elaborate opening scene with fan favourite in

by Mike

The Witcher: Blood Origin opens with an action-packed battle scene. However, a fan favourite’s musical number was originally filmed as the opening sequence.

The Witcher: Blood Origin tells a prequel story to The Witcher series on Netflix. During production, various sequences were completely removed. And one was even completely reshot. The opening scene with bard and fan favourite Jaskier/Rittersporn (Joey Batey) was originally supposed to look completely different.

The Witcher: Blood Origin on Netflix actually started with a musical number

The series begins on Netflix with a bloody battle between rebels and soldiers of the Northern Kingdoms. The first version was very different from that. Joey Batey told SciFiNow :

” It was a big musical number. [Composer] Bear McCreary wrote a song especially. The scene was a lot of fun. […] Then I got a call from [series creator Declan De Barra] who told me, “We’re shooting it all again [and] completely different. With mayhem and carnage!”

Unfortunately, there is as yet no video footage of the original, already filmed version. However, the well-informed fan site Redanian Intelligence already described the structure of the sequence several months ago. In the scene, Knightspur is apparently about to sing a song about the events of Blood Origin to the audience in a tavern. He is then interrupted by an elf who thinks he knows the story quite differently.

Watch part of the actual Blood Origin opening scene in English here:

Whether swapping out the opening scene is now a loss is for each fan to decide for themselves. Rittersporn’s tavern appearances are among the iconic moments of the mother series. But the current beginning of Blood Origin also has a lot going for it with its chaotic atmosphere and lots of action.

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