Home New in Cinema Brendan Fraser also wants to make The Mummy 4 for the money: “Never been…

Brendan Fraser also wants to make The Mummy 4 for the money: “Never been…

by Dennis

Brendan Fraser is world famous again thanks to The Whale. The money is still missing. That’s one of the reasons why he wouldn’t mind The Mummy 4.

Brendan Fraser hasn’t been this popular in a long time. His mammoth performance in The Whale is creating buzz everywhere. Fans are wondering if the “Brennaissance” might even flush a new The Mummy movie into cinemas. The star is more than ready. As long as he gets paid properly for it.

Despite new fame: The Mummy star Brendan Fraser desperately needs money

“I don’t mind. [And] I don’t know one actor who doesn’t need a job. I don’t think I’ve ever been so famous and so unpaid at the same time in my life, so keep it coming. We all have to start somewhere. “

Fraser’s career was in a tailspin from the 2010s due to personal tragedies and a possible sexual assault (via NME ). The new popularity may have given his name and talent a new shine, but it doesn’t seem to allow for a fatter bank account.

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