Home New in Cinema Never before seen on ProSieben show WSMDS: Audience candidate Helena

Never before seen on ProSieben show WSMDS: Audience candidate Helena

by Mike

Season 5 of Wer stiehlt mir die Show starts off with a bang. For the first time on ProSieben, a wildcard contestant has stolen the moderation from Joko Winterscheidt.

Who steals the show from me has a terrific concept. The ProSieben format has host Joko Winterscheidt, three celebrities and an audience candidate compete to see who gets to host the next episode. On 19 February 2023, the time had come: with Helena Charlotte Sigal, the audience (the so-called “wild card”) won the battle for the first time.

WSMDS candidate Helena steals ProSieben show with a dog in space

Sigal took the hosting spot from Winterscheidt during the season 5 premiere in the final quiz round, in which she correctly answered a question about space history. The question was about the name of the first dog in space. While Sigal gave the right answer with Laika, Winterscheidt got himself into hot water with Sputnik.

Watch Sigal’s win at WSMDS here:

The wildcard had already left the other celebrity candidates Paul ‘Sido’ Würdig, Jasna Fritzi Bauer and Bill Kaulitz behind in the process. Deservedly, she will host the show for the first time in WSMDS history on 26 February 2023 as an audience contestant.

The audience was rooting for Helena …

When will Who Steals My Show be on ProSieben?

Season 5 of Wer stiehlt mir die Show also comprises 6 episodes. The format is always broadcast on Sundays at 8.15 pm and ends on 26 March 2023 with the last episode. All episodes can also be streamed on Joyn in addition to the TV broadcast.

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