Home New in Cinema One of the best thrillers of all time is on Netflix right now – with 3

One of the best thrillers of all time is on Netflix right now – with 3

by Dennis

Netflix has a lot of thriller entertainment in its programme. Also a suspense masterpiece that is permanently disturbing because certain scenes burn themselves in forever.

Few film memories manage to send a shiver down our spine even years later. Or evoke the same thriller effect when we watch them again as they did the first time. Seven by master director David Fincher (Fight Club, Panic Room) achieves this feat. This high-voltage trip, currently available on Netflix, has lost none of its punch even 28 years after its release.

Now on Netflix: David Fincher’s thriller Seven grabs us in 3 disturbing scenes

Seven is without question one of the best films the thriller genre has to offer: A mismatched detective duo (Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman) hunt down a serial killer whose murders are inspired by the seven deadly sins. With terrifying crime scenes, breathtaking twists and engaging lead characters, Seven (in the original: Se7en) is a gritty all-round suspense package. Above all, 3 shocking scenes burn themselves into the memory for all eternity. They will continue to resonate long after David Fincher’s film has disappeared from Netflix.

1. Seven shocks with the excess of human cruelty

David Fincher's Seven: Intemperance

David Fincher’s Seven: Intemperance

One of the first to die in Seven is a morbidly obese man who has been fattened to death by the unknown killer. In the thriller, he stands for the sin of intemperance/gluttony. The victim was tied up and forced to eat until his stomach burst. Together with the detectives, we are presented with the result of this cruelty.

The scene burns itself into the viewer’s mind above all because of its gloomy staging: The light fingers of the torches grope almost fearfully through the pitch-black room and over the bloated corpse. Sieben presents the horror of the crime with deliberately fleeting impressions in the blackness. But it is a shocking impression that sticks. Even after you’ve already turned Netflix off again.

2. The biggest shock moment in Seven is anything but inert.

David Fincher's Seven: Inertia

David Fincher’s Seven: Inertia

An entirely different form of fright is forgiven behind the victim of the mortal sin “sloth”. Here the police officers find a man tied to the bed. The investigators present exchange views on the stench and the condition of the rotting body for quite a while in the scene of seven. A disgusting corpse … until the dead body, so obvious, suddenly moves.

It’s just a little cough that brings the “corpse” back to life, but it’s one of the most unexpected jumpscares in film history. It’s something many a horror film has yet to emulate in the thriller Seven on Netflix.

Seven on Netflix disturbs with the question “What’s in the box? “

David Fincher's Seven: Wrath

David Fincher’s Seven: Wrath

The most emotionally shocking scene, however, awaits at the end of Seven, even though, unlike its predecessors, it does not rely on disturbing spectacle, but allows the greatest horror to take place in the audience’s imagination. We know unseen what lies in the cardboard box at the end of David Fincher’s Seven.
Those who have seen it know what is meant and will never forget it. The fact that the last deed also brings the killer to justice and closes the circle of the seven deadly sins in the most depressing way is one of the greatest achievements of David Fincher’s thriller. An absolutely abysmal circular argument.

With these three shock scenes, Seven plays on the keyboard of our emotions and fears in completely different ways. Put together as a cinematic whole, they result not only in a ride perfectly planned by the killer, but one of the best thrillers of all time.

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