Home New in Cinema Action god plans sequel to one of the best films of all time and

Action god plans sequel to one of the best films of all time and

by Tommy

With Heat, Michael Mann created one of the best action films of all time. After 28 years, the sequel is now set. Adam Driver is set to star in Heat 2.

If you’re interested in action films, you can’t get past Michael Mann. The filmography of the US director includes several films that are indispensable in the history of moving pictures. Especially with Heat, many film fans agree: the film is an action masterpiece.

Last year, Mann and Meg Gardiner released a sequel to Heat. However, it was not a new feature film. Instead, he told the story in the form of a novel. Since then, there have been rumours that it will be made into a film. Now Warner Bros. has commissioned the development of Heat 2.

Heat 2: Michael Mann continues his action masterpiece and wants Adam Driver as a young Robert De Niro

As Deadline has learned, the first favourite for Heat 2 has been confirmed: Adam Driver, known among other things as the villain Kylo Ren from the new Star Wars films, is to step in front of the camera as a young Neil McCauley. In the original, the role was played by Robert De Niro. Driver and Mann have previously worked together on Ferrari.

You can watch the trailer for Heat here:

Heat 2 is told on two different time levels, dealing with the events before and after the story of the original film. It is thus a mixture of sequel and prequel. In the course of this, some familiar faces return. The plot, however, also features new characters.

Apart from Driver, there are only rumours about the cast so far. Al Pacino, who starred as Lieutenant Vincent Hanna in the first part, could return within the storyline set in the present. Ana de Armas, meanwhile, has been rumoured as a love interest for Driver’s character in the 1988 storyline.

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