Home New in Cinema The 7 Harry Potter books are being remade into a film: Series is coming and it’s with

The 7 Harry Potter books are being remade into a film: Series is coming and it’s with

by Han

The Harry Potter series is nearing fruition and with the involvement of J.K. Rowling, who has repeatedly attracted negative attention with transphobic statements.

Will Harry Potter be revived with a series or a film? This question has kept the rumour mill busy for years. Now there are concrete hints as to how the wizarding world will be resurrected after the disappointing Fantastic Beasts series. Author J.K. Rowling, controversial for transphobic statements, is said to be involved.

Harry Potter series to remake the 7 books – with J.K. Rowling

American streaming service HBO Max wants to remake the seven Harry Potter books as a series and is close to reaching an agreement with J.K. Rowling, the series’ creator. This is according to several consistent reports (via Bloomberg ). Here’s what’s known about it:

So the series would be a reboot, with a new cast for wizarding apprentices Harry, Hermione and Ron, as well as the staff of Hogwarts, Voldemort and more – 20 years after the release of the first of eight feature films, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

Continue to hold on to J.K. Rowling

For Warner studio and its streaming service HBO Max, Harry Potter forms one of the most important franchises alongside The Lord of the Rings and DC superheroes. So a reboot comes as little surprise after the poor showing of the Beastly Beings films. Nevertheless, the studio is likely to face sharp criticism in the coming months. The series is not feasible without J.K. Rowling, but Rowling has been repeating discriminatory remarks against trans people for years. Original actors Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson have distanced themselves from the author because of this. Radcliffe stated in November.

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