Home New in Cinema Why Harry Potter 9 with Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe failed -.

Why Harry Potter 9 with Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe failed -.

by Mike

The Harry Potter series was only second choice. Warner Bros. probably would have preferred to make Harry Potter 9. A deep rift runs through the franchise.

Last November, Harry Potter was at a crossroads. The Warner Bros. studio had produced all eight films in the main series, as well as three Fantastic Beasts spin-offs. It reduced the future of the fantasy franchise to two fundamentally different forks:

As of Wednesday, we know which option Warner has chosen: A Harry Potter series that films the books again, but this time in seven seasons, is on the way. There’s almost everything against this path and virtually nothing in favor of it. Which raises the question:

Why is Warner Bros. doing this? Why not option 2, a new film with the stars of the original series? The answer to that question shows how deep the rift between the popular ex-actors and creator J.K. Rowling probably is by now.

Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson reportedly did not return to Harry Potter because of J.K. Rowling

The film adaptation of The Enchanted Child was probably Warner’s first choice to revive Harry Potter after the failed Beastly Beings series, according to industry insider Matthew Belloni. In the play, Harry, Ron and Hermione appear as mature adults. They have children, who in turn now attend the magical school Hogwarts. Adapting the stage success as a blockbuster would have been a nostalgia event, a guaranteed billion-dollar hit. The most important prerequisite for the adaptation: the original cast had to be on board as completely as possible. No Harry Potter 9 without Daniel Radcliffe.

Apparently, this of all things caused problems: Only Ron actor Rupert Grint, the third Harry Potter pillar, would have had no problem with a return. The well-informed journalist Jeff Sneider reported in a podcast that Daniel Radcliffe and Hermione Granger actress Emma Watson rejected a return in the 9th film of the series. The alleged reason: J.K. Rowling. Watson, in particular, had been skeptical. Because the Harry Potter creator has been spreading dangerous statements about transwomen for years – and won’t be dissuaded from her course. Among many, though not all, ex-actresses and in parts of the fandom, she is criticized for this.

The Original Stars

The Original Stars

That the film adaptation of The Enchanted Child fell through because of Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson’s J.K. Rowling dislike has not been confirmed – but the assumption is close. Watson and Radcliffe distanced themselves from Rowling several times in the past. The author was not present at the big Harry Potter reunion special a year and a half ago.

Many other crew members and actors from the Harry Potter world have shown solidarity with the trans community in the past, distancing themselves from Rowling. There exists a palpable rift between the powerful creator and the close-knit circle of Harry Potter veteran:s idolized by fans.

The studio reportedly tried to buy Harry Potter free from J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling controls the “Harry Potter” brand. Almost nothing happens in the so-called Wizarding World without her approval – neither in the book market, nor in the movie world. To exercise similar control over Harry Potter as Disney does over Star Wars, Warner Bros. would have to buy the rights outright from J.K. Rowling. The studio could then make spin-offs and sequels as it pleased and would presumably have eliminated the conflict between the actors:inside and Rowling.

According to insider Jeff Sneider, there were talks about such a deal. However, according to Sneider, Rowling demanded an “insane amount” for the rights. The plan collapsed because of the demands. Warner turned to the reboot series, which J.K. Rowling also agrees with – as opposed to a film version of The Enchanted Child. So it’s sticking with the old tandem arrangement, in which Warner coordinates decisions with Rowling.

This way saves the studio billions. The price is different: The Harry Potter series may finally split the franchise. Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson could become further estranged from the series now that their roles are being played by others. The decision for the series, which is welcomed only by an uncertain part of Harry Potter fans, shows that Rowling’s statements just do not remain inconsequential. It shapes the future of the Harry Potter series.

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