Home New in Cinema After 30 (!) years: Action god Sylvester Stallone shoots sequel to

After 30 (!) years: Action god Sylvester Stallone shoots sequel to

by Mike

Sylvester Stallone is shooting a new action movie. However, not as Rambo, but as Gabe Walker: Cliffhanger 2 is coming. Read here what is known about the project.

In recent years, Sylvester Stallone has regularly returned to his most famous action role: there are now 5 Rambo installments and several The Expendables sequels. His next project revives another, somewhat lesser-known character from the depths of Stallone’s vita. As reported by industry rag Deadline Stallone is reprising his role as a mountain rescuer from Cliffhanger – Only the Strong Survive. It is the second attempt to continue the film after 2014. We answer the most important questions.

What was Cliffhanger about again?

In the first part from 1993, Sylvester Stallone embodies Gabe Walker. He is considered the best mountain rescue man in the Rocky Mountains, who retired after a tragic accident – until a plane crashes in the mountains. However, during the rescue operation, Gabe encounters a group of serious criminals, led by Eric Qualen (John Lithgow). The shoot involved one of the most dangerous and expensive stunts of all time, albeit without Stallone’s participation.

What is known about the Cliffhanger sequel?

Cliffhanger 2 could be as elaborate as its predecessor. The most important key points of the project are already fixed: Stallone embodies the 30 years aged Gabe Walker but again in the leading role. Ric Roman Waugh (Angel Has Fallen) will direct. And Mark Bianculli (Hunters) wrote the script, but plot details are not yet known. Other roles besides Stallone are currently being cast. It is not known when Cliffhanger 2 will start – the year 2025 seems realistic.

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