Home New in Cinema Suspense masterpiece on Disney+: 98-minute action romp that’s

Suspense masterpiece on Disney+: 98-minute action romp that’s

by Tommy

You can currently stream one of the best action films of the last 20 years on Disney+. The Tony Scott-directed thriller Unstoppable – Out of Control offers 98 minutes of thrills.

Tony Scott was one of the best action directors of his time. He became famous for the incredible success of Top Gun – They Fear Neither Death Nor the Devil. Later he made genre classics like Crimson Tide and Enemy of the State No. 1, but his most exciting creative period began after the turn of the millennium.

From Man Under Fire to Domino to Déjà Vu – Race Against Time: In the 2000s, Scott enriched action cinema with some restless, downright virtuoso representatives. Unstoppable – Out of Control, the last film by the filmmaker who passed away much too early, also fits perfectly into this series.

Absolute action high voltage: Unstoppable will make you hold your breath for 98 minutes

The story of Unstoppable is quickly explained: a 39-car freight train speeds uncontrollably down the tracks at 100 kilometers per hour, threatening to derail and crash into a fuel depot. Only engineer Frank Barnes (Denzel Washington) and his young colleague Will Colson (Chris Pine) can prevent the train from turning into a toxic bomb.

You can watch the trailer here:

With Unstoppable, Tony Scott has created a masterful action thriller designed for high tension. Speed plays a crucial role here. Equally important, however, is the dynamic between the unlikely duo of Barnes and Colson. The two must learn to trust each other.

Scott lets us experience each decision, which can either lead to or prevent disaster, through many different perspectives. Unstoppable plows right along the tracks with the train, but also gives us a picture of the overall situation. At every second, we know what is at stake.

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