Home New in Cinema Netflix password sharing rules explained simply: German prices,

Netflix password sharing rules explained simply: German prices,

by Tommy

Almost all German Netflix customers are affected: Netflix charges prices for password sharing. You have to set up additional accounts. Find out everything you need to know here.

It’s probably the biggest Netflix change in a long time: The streaming service has been planning to limit password sharing for a while. Since arguably almost every person who uses Netflix also shares their account, the company is hoping this will boost its profits strikingly. Those who want to share their account will have to pay more. The scheme has already been active in countries like Canada and New Zealand. Now it’s Germany’s turn.

Here you can find out all the prices, what is meant by password sharing and how you can create the additional account that is now required.

Costs for password sharing at Netflix: These are the new prices

The new rule: You’ll have to create additional accounts in the future if you share your Netflix passwords with others who don’t live in the same household as you. More on this below in the section “Who is all affected by the regulation?”.

Prices in Germany: according to the Netflix service page, an additional account will cost 4.99 euros in Germany. This results in maximum additional costs of just under 10 euros.

What do I have to do now? When exactly the regulation will really come into force, so you have to fear concrete consequences, is still not certain. It is possible that the regulation will apply in Germany from July 1, 2023, when the 3rd quarter of the year begins.

How does the additional account work at Netflix?

Netflix states, “An add-on member has their own account and password. However, the membership is paid for by the person who invited the additional member to share. Your subscription determines how many additional member seats you can add.”

What this means for you specifically is that you’ll have to coordinate with the person who has been transferring the monthly amounts to Netflix for you so far. If you don’t have administrative rights, you won’t be able to take action beyond contacting them. On the other hand, if you are an administrator of a shared account, you will have to set up additional accounts for your “parasites. “

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