Home New in Cinema Today on TV: This Vin Diesel flop ruined an entire fantasy series.

Today on TV: This Vin Diesel flop ruined an entire fantasy series.

by Han

Failed sci-fi and fantasy universes pave Vin Diesel’s way. Today, another failed attempt by the almost-star is on TV. Or is it still on with The Last Witch Hunter?

Vin Diesel doesn’t just do Fast and Furious, even if this impression can easily arise. After all, the 10th adventure in the action series has been in cinemas since mid-May. In the course of the last few years, however, the star has tried to launch various other universes. One attempt of these: The Last Witch Hunter, which is on TV today. Find out why there probably won’t be a sequel to the fantasy film and what Vin Diesel thinks about it in this article.

What is Vin Diesel The Last Witch Hunter about?

The film tells the story of the witch hunter Kaulder (Diesel). He is the last of his kind and has lived through many centuries. Now he fights supernatural creatures in present-day New York. According to his own account, the character was inspired by Diesel’s own Dungeons & Dragons character.

Overwhelming flop: Conditions suck for The Last Witch Hunter sequel

The Last Witch Hunter could convince neither on a financial nor on a qualitative level. The 90 million US dollar production earned mostly negative reviews. In the end, the film only earned 147 million US dollars worldwide. For the first part of a series, that is of course far too little. Not to mention the rather reserved reviews. Even 8 years after its release, there is no foundation for a sequel or even a franchise. And yet, someone is not giving up hope …

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