Home New in Cinema Today on TV: Last part of a never-ending sci-fi series that itself…

Today on TV: Last part of a never-ending sci-fi series that itself…

by Dennis

The 2010s saw the launch of many new science fiction series in cinema. Some, however, have never been finished. This is particularly bitter in this case.

The Tribute of Panem – The Hunger Games sparked a wave of science fiction films based on dystopian young adult series. The biggest competitor to Katniss Everdeen’s story became the adaptation of the Divergent novels by Veronica Roth. However, we still haven’t seen the end of that story.

Yet success was entirely on the side of the ambitious project at the beginning. The Destiny – Divergent started in 2014 with strong numbers in the cinemas. The sequel Destiny – Insurgent was also financially convincing. As a result, the studio Lionstage split the third book into two films.

Failed sci-fi finale: we’ll never see part 4 of the Divergent series

Harry Potter, Twilight and The Tribute to Panem have successfully demonstrated: a two-part finale can be profitable at the box office. With the Divergent series, however, the worst possible case has arrived: Due to the disappointing numbers of The Destiny – Allegiant, the conclusion of the series was never realised.

Shortly before the home stretch, those responsible lost confidence in the brand and cancelled The Destiny – Ascendant completely. And then both attempts to save it on television also failed. At first, the plan was to end the series with a TV movie. Later, a whole series was supposed to fix things up.

In December 2018, however, all plans were cancelled. Neither in cinema nor on TV did the sci-fi sequel have a future. It’s not often that established film series go to pieces so close to their already announced finale – and multiple times at that. Now it’s only a matter of time before the reboot arrives.

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