Home New in Cinema After 9 years, Amazon is throwing out one of its best series completely – for the

After 9 years, Amazon is throwing out one of its best series completely – for the

by Tommy

For almost a decade, Amazon was the first port of call for Vikings fans, where new seasons celebrated their German premiere. Now the hit series is losing its former home – but it has already built a new home elsewhere.

Do you still remember the DVD online rental company Lovefilm? If so, you were already interested in series and films ten years ago. The historical epic Vikings celebrated its German premiere there almost exactly a decade ago on 21 June 2013 with the first season. Shortly afterwards, Amazon bought Lovefilm and always had the new seasons of the Canadian History Channel series available first in Germany.

But Vikings is closed for good reason and leaves its home Amazon after 9 years in Germany.

When exactly is Vikings leaving Amazon? And why?

Amazon itself continuously lists on an overview page all films and series that will leave the streaming giant within the next 30 days. We therefore only have a rough indication of when you can still stream Vikings on Amazon *.

Since Lovefilm acquired the rights on 21 June 10 years ago, 20 June 2023 could possibly be the expiry date of this licence.

Another reason Amazon is letting Vikings go is probably the spin-off Vikings: Valhalla on Netflix. The costs of the licences no longer outweigh the benefits. Because all 6 seasons of Vikings can also be streamed on Netflix and because of the spin-off, fans of the universe will mainly use Netflix for a rewatch of the original series anyway.

Where else can Vikings be streamed in Germany?

If Amazon has kicked out Vikings, you can still fall back on two streaming providers in Germany. You can still watch all 6 seasons with a total of 89 episodes of Vikings in Germany at Netflix and at MagentaTV in the flat rate.

Netflix also offers seasons 1 and 2 of the sequel Vikings: Valhalla, which tells the story of the next generation of Vikings over 100 years later. Season 3 is expected to delight fans in 2024 on Netflix.

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