Home New in Cinema Mark Hamill provides ingenious explanation for 40-year-old star

Mark Hamill provides ingenious explanation for 40-year-old star

by Tommy

40 years ago, Star Wars star Mark Hamill stepped into the air. After his new explanation, you’ll see the stunt mistake from Return of the Jedi with a whole new set of eyes.

Mark Hamill is probably the only star who can gold a movie mistake. In five Star Wars films in the main series, Hamill portrayed Luke Skywalker. In Return of the Jedi, he makes his first appearance as a fully trained knight. In the legendary Jabba sequence on Tatooine in the first act of the film, he shows the full range of his abilities – and a little more. Because the stunt and choreo team made a rather obvious inaccuracy.

Mark Hamill turns 40-year-old movie mistake into power kick

Luke engages in a fight with various minions of Jabba in the sequence. In one kick, he hits a lot of … a lot of air. There is about 20 centimetres of space between his foot and his opponent’s head and even less attentive fans notice that. If you watch the 40-year-old conclusion to the first Star Wars trilogy regularly, you may be eagerly anticipating the air kick every time.

On Twitter a few weeks ago, a user asked if other fans were bothered by this moment. Mark Hamill replied himself.

“How can anyone be bothered by my celebrated, perfectly executed power kick? “

No, Mark, from now on we will never make fun of the moment again. Because this answer is so great, it fits so well with the legalities of the series, that it should be added to the Star Wars canon. Jedi can telekinetically control objects with their hands, why not their feet? Force kicks are now possible. Mark Hamill decreed.

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