Home New in Cinema Stream horror secret tip for free without subscription: Woman is killed by monster

Stream horror secret tip for free without subscription: Woman is killed by monster

by Dennis

In the Mediathek you can stream the German genre gem Der Nachtmahr. The unusual mix of horror, drama and techno trip is a great recommendation.

If you want to see a German film that completely deviates from the usual image of crowd-pleasing cinema comedies or ponderous historical dramas, you have to watch Der Nachtmahr. You can stream the wacky mix of psycho-thriller, coming-of-age tale, drug psychosis and monster nightmare right now for free without a subscription in the Mediathek

The Nightmare is more radical than most German films

In the plot of director Akiz’s film, 16-year-old Tina (Carolyn Genzkow) is plagued by bad nightmares after a party in which she encounters a bizarre creature. When she goes for psychiatric treatment, she is advised to make contact with the creature. This changes everything for Tina once again.

The Nightmare is reminiscent of surreal, unconventional films by directors such as David Lynch (Blue Velvet) and Gaspar Noé (Irreversible). Flickering stroboscopic thunderstorms, loud techno beats and oppressive horror interludes make for an audiovisual experience that is more like a physical experience and unparalleled in cinema here.

Akiz’s work, however, also offers deeper scope for interpretation. For example, the bizarre creature can be interpreted as a manifestation of the main character’s psychological problems. Thus, The Nightmare also becomes an offbeat empowerment fantasy after Tina becomes involved with the creature.

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