Home New in Cinema Is Henry Cavill’s Superman in The Flash? We answer the big question

Is Henry Cavill’s Superman in The Flash? We answer the big question

by Mike

The new superhero blockbuster The Flash is a highlight for DC fans. We tell you if Henry Cavill is in the multiverse movie as Superman

The Flash is to DC what Spider-Man: No Way Home was to Marvel. Fans of the superhero movie franchise can look forward to many surprising and exciting appearances by well-known characters from all kinds of universes in this blockbuster.

Of course, many are also wondering whether Superman star Henry Cavill will make another appearance after his DC future was finally cancelled following the acclaimed Black Adam return. We explain the answer to the question whether Cavill will appear in The Flash. Spoilers follow, of course, if you want to be surprised!

Henry Cavill’s Superman appears in The Flash, but there’s a catch

The short but complicated answer is: yes. There are two small Superman scenes in The Flash, one with and one without Henry Cavill. The first sequence is a live TV broadcast of Superman helping with a volcano eruption. However, the short TV scenes only show the Man of Steel from behind. So Henry Cavill was not in front of the camera for this. Instead, a double was clearly used.

The second Cavill-Superman scene in The Flash appears when Barry (Ezra Miller) travels back in time due to his extreme speed. This causes many moments from DC’s past to appear around him. One of them shows Superman for a few seconds in a Justice League moment. For this, the footage from Zack Snyder’s film is reused.

This means that, strictly speaking, there are two scenes in The Flash with Cavill’s Superman. However, no new footage was filmed with the star for either moment.

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