Home New in Cinema On Disney+: Underrated sci-fi highlighting the 7 worst.

On Disney+: Underrated sci-fi highlighting the 7 worst.

by Dennis

On Disney+, there’s the criminally underrated 3rd installment of a bloody sci-fi action series. In it, seven perfidious killers battle aliens that hunt them like animals.

The Predator series has enjoyed unbroken popularity for over 25 years. This is despite the fact that the franchise’s now five films and two crossovers vary widely in quality. Criminally underrated remains Predators from 2010: In the third part of the series, a group of hardened fighters under The Pianist star Adrien Brody (!) must fight off the franchise’s cruel antagonists. The film is available on Disney+.

At Disney+: Sci-fi smash Predators captivates with 107 minutes of breathless chase

Predators begins in freefall: mercenary Royce (Brody) awakens as he plummets towards Earth from a great height. After a new-fangled parachute saves him from death, he meets other elite warriors like the sniper Isabelle (Alice Braga) or Mombasa (Mahershala Ali), a member of a death squad from Sierra Leone.

After a short time, they notice two things: they are no longer on Earth. And they are being pursued by a vicious alien brood. Chosen for their keen killer instincts, only the harmless doctor Edwin (Topher Grace) seems to have landed in the wrong place.

Director Nimród Antal (Motel) has not created a genre masterpiece that impresses with its sophisticated characters and innovative story. But he succeeds in creating a gripping action chase through the jungle that never gets boring. Brody is superbly cast as a cold-blooded killer against the grain. The action staging makes the heartbeat race. Horror moments and twists lighten up the straightforward plot. Predators is perfect FSK 18 action entertainment that guarantees fans a great evening at the movies.

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