Home New in Cinema Today, the best sci-fi film of the last 10 years is on TV: The two…

Today, the best sci-fi film of the last 10 years is on TV: The two…

by Han

There was an explosive atmosphere on the set of arguably the greatest sci-fi masterpiece of recent years. Today, Mad Max: Fury Road is on TV. We explain the feud between Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy.

Tension between two star egos is not uncommon in film productions. However, the argument between Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy on the set of Mad Max: Fury Road escalated so much that Theron demanded protection.

Today, George Miller’s Fury Road is on TV. The blockbuster made it to 3 on our top list for the past decade as the highest-ranked sci-fi film. Find out in this article when you can watch Mad Max: Fury Road on TV and what’s behind the fight between Hardy and Theron.

What is Mad Max: Fury Road about?

Max Rockatansky, better known as Mad Max (Tom Hardy), is on the run. Together with a group of survivors, he thunders through the desert in a semi-truck converted into a tank, driven by Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron). They are pursued by degenerate outlaws in heavily armed desert cars. A bitter war on the road ensues.

“They wouldn’t look at each other”: here’s how the fight between Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron went

Due to the notoriously extreme conditions on the Mad Max shoot, the mood within the crew also suffered. And the mega-star duo Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy didn’t like each other anyway. In the book Blood, Sweat & Chrome: The Wild and True Story of Mad Max: Fury Road * some shocking details about their quarrel came to light.

One crew member said it was obvious to everyone that “these two people hated each other. They didn’t want to touch each other, they didn’t want to look at each other, they didn’t want to face each other unless the camera was rolling. “

Hardy had seemed “quite aggressive”, the crew said. And Theron “felt threatened”. Because she no longer felt safe around Hardy afterwards, the actress sought support. “That was the turning point, because she said, ‘I need someone to protect me'”. Theron was indeed given a person to stand by her side.

There was probably no further incident between the two stars after that. Hardy later admitted that he was “not in his right mind”: “The pressure on us was overwhelming at times. What she [Theron] needed was a better, maybe more experienced partner.” (You can read a fuller version of the story here.)

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