Home New in Cinema “What do you want me to fight? Arthritis?” Sylvester Stallone is done with

“What do you want me to fight? Arthritis?” Sylvester Stallone is done with

by Dennis

There will be no real “Rambo 6” with Sylvester Stallone. This made the actor now once again unmistakably clear. With the series, however, it is still not over. So the star also revealed how it continues (with him!)

During an appearance at the Toronto Film Festival, Sylvester Stallone was asked about the future of his cult character John Rambo. Although the studio seems to be interested in “Rambo 6”, for him the matter has been settled.

“He pretty much done, although they want to do another one. But what else am I going to fight? Arthritis?” the actor turned down a sixth installment starring him, according to JoBlo. But even though he’s done with Rambo, there will be another movie.


Already in the past Stallone told that there are plans for a movie with a young Rambo, but in the process the Hollywood studio in charge and he have different views on what should be told. Now he reconfirmed that the producers will prevail and a baton passing in the present will follow instead of a prequel in the past.

His plan, he said, had been to shoot a prequel in the Vietnam War, where they would see “why an open-minded guy, a football captain becomes Rambo.” But the studio had other plans, he said, “They want to do a story in the present where I pass the torch.” The project is nearing fruition, he said, and he expects it to happen.

So even though he’s done with the character, he’ll play John Rambo himself one more time, and then hand over to a young actor to take over. He will then – with the appropriate success and fan acceptance – continue the franchise.


By the way, as seen on a video by JoBlo of Stallone’s appearance at the Toronto Film Festival, Stallone was still talking about one of his old movies with regrets. “The City Cobra” felt “half-baked,” he said, “It feels like something I should have directed, too, and I didn’t do that. I regret that.”

In the cinema, by the way, we see Sylvester Stallone already shortly again. In “The Expendables 4” he slips into the role of mercenary boss Barney Ross once again from September 21, 2023. Here, too, it’s a matter of passing the baton. For Stallone probably plays a somewhat smaller role. In focus are Jason Statham as Lee Christmas and a new generation of mercenaries.

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