Home New in Cinema One of the best series 2022 delivers 7 episodes of psycho terror: Now you can.

One of the best series 2022 delivers 7 episodes of psycho terror: Now you can.

by Dennis

A real series secret tip of last year becomes available today for everyone to stream for free. If you dare, your suffering will be rewarded with an extraordinary experience.

The most important thing you need to know about one of the best series of 2022 is already in its title: This Is Going to Hurt. This Is Going to Hurt. Which, at first, you wouldn’t guess from the safety of your armchair at home. That’s because the British BBC’s co-production with Breaking Bad broadcaster AMC is a hospital series.

This Is Going to Hurt is not a classic hospital series, however, but a masterpiece in terms of creative storytelling. You can convince yourself of this for free in the ZDF-Mediathek starting today, September 18, 2023.

Series highlight This Is Going to Hurt in stream: a hospital experience like never before

Hospital series are a dime a dozen in TV and streaming. But This Is Going to Hurt doesn’t have much to do with the love affairs of Grey’s Anatomy, the mystery urges of Dr. House, or the outsider efforts of a Good Doctor. If anything, the British series is almost a horror version of Grey’s with a Bad Doctor. But even that description doesn’t do the brilliant miniseries justice.

This Is Going to Hurt

This Is Going to Hurt

Following the true experiences * of doctor and series creator Adam Kay (Ben Whishaw), This Is Going to Hurt recounts with brutal honesty the goings-on in the maternity ward of an English hospital. The realism of the series borders on psycho-terror and the stress level while watching it rises to heights last reached only by the series hit The Bear. It’s not for the faint of heart if you’re in need of some light entertainment. But the exciting viewing experience is worth it.

Ben Whishaw (James Bond 007 – Skyfall) manages the balancing act between overworked identification figure and ambitious asshole in a breathtaking performance. When his sarcastic gynecologist repeatedly addresses us directly in Fleabag manner, the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. We don’t want to become co-conspirators of this medical doctor who cruelly deals out to subordinates. Yet we don’t resist when he drags us into his dramatic life.

Seldom have psycho-stress and wit been so perfectly paired as in This Is Going to Hurt

The amazing thing about This Is Going to Hurt is that, despite everything, the constantly underwhelming series about the disastrous state of Britain’s state-run health care system brings a biting humor to all the panic. It’s a necessary counterpoint between heartbreaking and borderline awful scenes.

This Is Going to Hurt: Ben Whishaw

This Is Going to Hurt: Ben Whishaw

The mix of suspense, tragedy and comedy grabs you from the first episode, where Adam nearly kills a baby, belittles a young medical student as incompetent and changes his blood-stained scrubs countless times. The fact that his relationship suffers under the stressful job is skillfully used by the series for Adam’s further development, which shows that behind his arrogant facade there is some humanity after all and that the daily catastrophes don’t completely bounce off him.

Witnessing this marathon run of emotions over 7 episodes of 45 minutes each is an amazing experience that no fan of quality series should miss.

This Is Going to Hurt had its German premiere back in October 2022 on MagentaTV , where the series can still be streamed. Now, almost a year later, it’s also available for free in the ZDF-Mediathek.

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