Home New in Cinema Today on TV: Completely failed remake of one of the best

Today on TV: Completely failed remake of one of the best

by Mike

On Saturday, RTL II will run the sci-fi remake of an absolute classic that completely disappointed. The brand is nevertheless to be revived by Amazon.

With RoboCop, Paul Verhoeven delivered a sci-fi masterpiece in the 1980s that spawned an entire franchise. Nearly 30 years later, the eponymous RoboCop was released in 2014, a remake that traded the brutal uncompromisingness of the original for a bloodless PG-13 age rating.

The RoboCop remake, which airs on RTL II on Saturday, disappointed sci-fi fans, largely failed with critics and was only a mild success at the box office. In 2023, it was nevertheless announced that Amazon would probably revive the brand.

This is what the RoboCop remake is about

The new version of the sci-fi classic is set in the Detroit of 2028, where the high crime rate is to be fought with the help of artificial machines. One day, police officer Alex Murphy (Joel Kinnaman) is critically injured by an explosion and can only be saved by an operation in which he himself becomes a human-machine hybrid. In the process, he mutates into a merciless enforcer for the corporation leading the advanced crime-fighting effort.

Amazon has secured RoboCop rights

At the box office, the new RoboCop movie, with a budget of $100 million, grossed over $242 million worldwide, according to Box Office Mojo making it a moderate success at best. After that, the sci-fi franchise went quiet for a long time.

Then, in 2023, we were able to report that Amazon had secured the rights to the RoboCop brand, among others, and was possibly planning a new universe consisting of several films and series. Since then, there has been no more concrete information on this.

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